In recent years, deep learning has emerged as a potent tool across a multitude of domains, leading to a surge in research pertaining to its application in the wearable human activity recognition (WHAR) domain. Despite the rapid development, concerns have been raised about the lack of standardization and consistency in the procedures used for experimental model training, which may affect the reproducibility and reliability of research results. In this paper, we provide an exhaustive review of contemporary deep learning research in the field of WHAR and collate information pertaining to the training procedure employed in various studies. Our findings suggest that a major trend is the lack of detail provided by model training protocols. Besides, to gain a clearer understanding of the impact of missing descriptions, we utilize a control variables approach to assess the impact of key tunable components (e.g., optimization techniques and early stopping criteria) on the inter-subject generalization capabilities of HAR models. With insights from the analyses, we define a novel integrated training procedure tailored to the WHAR model. Empirical results derived using five well-known WHAR benchmark datasets and three classical HAR model architectures demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology in particular, there is a significant improvement in macro F1 leave one subject out cross-validation performance.
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